Welcome to our parish website where you will find much information about what is happening in our parish. We hope that all parish and community groups will see it as a useful resource for providing information to people in our community at home and abroad.
Bishop Kieran O’Reilly asks that parishes in close proximity to each other should work together and share resources. Numbers of Webpriests and the age profile of priests tells us of the need to prepare for the future. The “Scath na Sionna” cluster of five parishes was set up in 2009 in response to the establishment of a diocesan pastoral plan. The five parishes in our cluster comprise of Castleconnell- Ahane, Clonlara, Killaloe and O’Callaghan’s Mills. Thre is a great deal of work to be done to plan for the future. I leave with the reflection entitled “The Good is There” as I feel is encapsulates my message, my wish for us as we journey forth in God’s name.
Look at the good
And praise it.
In everything the good is there,
Our goal is to find it.
In every person the best is there,
Our job is to recognise it.
In every situation the positive is there
Our opportunity is to see it.
In every problem the answer is there
Our responsibility is to find it.
In every setback the victory is there
Our task is to claim it.
In every adversary the blessing is there
Our Adventure is to discover it.
In every crisis the reason is there
Our challenge is to understand it.
Be different, be original, be uniquesite
Look for the good and praise it.
St. Joseph’s Church, Castleconnell
St. Patrick’s Church, Ahane

Saturday | No vigil Mass from 27th October 2018 |
Sunday | 10.00am |
St. Theresa’s Oratory, Montpelier

Available only by request |
St. Vincent’s, Lisnagry
Saturday Mass | 4.00pm – open to all |