There are four primary schools in the parish of Castleconnell. Click on the school names below for more information on each.
Primary Schools
Castleconnell National School
Our school is situated in the heart of the parish of Castleconnell/Ahane/ Montpelier in the picturesque village of Castleconnell on…
St. Vincent’s School
Principal: Ann O’Sullivan
Deputy Principal: Theresa Keyes
St. Vincent’s School,
Co. Limerick
Phone: (061) 501 403
St Vincent’s School caters for children between the ages of four and eighteen who have Moderate General Learning Disabilities, Severe…
Lisnagry National School
Lisnagry National School is a co-educational Catholic primary school. Our mission is to create a friendly school where the focus…
Ahane National School
Primary School for children from Junior Infants to Sixth Class. We are a six teacher school with a teaching Principal.…